So, basically we need to implement most of what's in torch7-libv2 here. Let's start off with this list:
- AddGaussian.lua
- BinaryStochastic.lua
- HighwayLayer.lua
- Nullable.lua
- SpatialDropoutX21.lua
- 2017-06-17: HighwayLayer.lua
- 2017-06-17: BinaryStochastic.lua
- 2017-06-17: AddGaussian.lua
- 2017-06-18: Nullable.lua -- Perhaps this needs more rigorous testing tho
Not needed:
- 2017-06-17: SpatialDropoutX21.lua So, the reason I needed SpatialDropoutX21 was because luatorch's SpatialDropout didn't premultiply by (1/(1-p)) pytorch's nn.Dropout2d does premultiply... So, this is not needed anymore.
- 2017-06-18: Random.lua -- Let's see how far we can get without implementing these.
- 2017-06-18: Zero.lua