
Sample test application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample application using React and Redux

Run Application

Application was deployed using surge.sh and is hosted at http://benjamin-nwaneampeh.surge.sh


Developed on Windows, so setting of environment variables will need to be changed on a MAC


npm install


npm start


npm test


Not complete

  • Didn't finish storing the user preference to local storage.

Additional things to do

  • write some more unit tests
  • add eslint to the project
  • index.html is currently in build folder. Need to move it out and put it in the application root and have webpack copy it into the build folder
  • don't commit build folder
  • git hook to run unit tests and linting before pushing to git repo


  • A design is provided
  • This application is part of a bigger application
  • That no one else is working on the project, thus pushing straight to master