
WordPress infra on AWS using Terraform

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Redundant WordPress Deployment on AWS Using Terraform

1. Architecture Overview

Architecture Overview

1.1 System Components

  • EC2 with Auto Scaling Group: Hosts WordPress instances with scaling managed based on metrics like CPU utilization, ensuring responsive performance under varying loads.

  • Elastic Load Balancer (ELB): Distributes traffic across EC2 instances, providing high availability and fault tolerance, and reroutes traffic from unhealthy instances.

  • Amazon RDS: Hosts the MySQL database with daily backups, 7-day transaction log retention, and automated patching and scaling.

  • ElastiCache: Caches frequently accessed WordPress data, reducing database load and improving site speed.

  • Amazon S3: Stores WordPress static content (images, JS, CSS) with an integrated Amazon S3 plugin for faster load times.

  • Amazon CloudWatch: Monitors AWS services' health and performance, tracking metrics and logs, setting alarms, and reacting to changes.

  • Amazon VPC: Configured with distinct public and private subnets. The network, named "wordpress-vpc," enhances security and functionality.

    • Public Subnets: Each tagged as "wp-public-subnet-{key}", enables public internet access and hosts services like the ELB.

    • Private Subnets: Each tagged as "wp-private-subnet-{key}", used for internal services like RDS and ElastiCache, without direct public internet access.

  • Internet Gateway & NAT Gateway: "wordpress-igw" provides internet access. "wordpress-nat" in a public subnet enables private subnet internet access for updates while keeping them private.

  • Route Tables: Separate public and private route tables for appropriate traffic routing. Public routes to the internet gateway, and private routes via the NAT gateway.

  • Security Groups:

    • Bastion Host Security Group ("bastion-sg"): For secure SSH access.
    • EC2 Security Group ("ec2-sg"): Manages traffic to EC2 instances.
    • ELB Security Group ("elb-sg"): Controls traffic to the ELB.
    • RDS Security Group ("rds-sg"): Regulates MySQL traffic to RDS.
    • ElastiCache Security Group ("elasticache-sg"): Manages Redis traffic to ElastiCache.
  • Route 53: Manages DNS, directing traffic to the ELB.

2. Deployment Procedure

This section outlines the steps to deploy the WordPress infrastructure on AWS using Terraform. A visual representation of the infrastructure components created by Terraform is provided to enhance understanding.

2.1 Prerequisites

  • AWS account with administrative access.
  • Terraform installed on your local machine.
  • Basic knowledge of AWS services and Terraform syntax.

2.2 Steps

  1. VPC Setup:

    • Deploy "wordpress-vpc" with a specified CIDR block.
    • Create public and private subnets in defined availability zones with appropriate CIDR blocks.
    • Set up "wordpress-igw" and "wordpress-nat" for internet access and routing.
  2. Route Tables and Associations:

    • Configure a public route table to route traffic to the internet gateway.
    • Set up a private route table to route internal traffic via the NAT Gateway.
    • Associate each subnet with the respective route table.
  3. Security Groups Configuration:

    • Define and apply security groups for Bastion Host, EC2 instances, ELB, RDS, and ElastiCache.
  4. ELB Configuration:

    • Create an ELB in the public subnet with health checks for EC2 instances.
  5. RDS Setup:

    • Deploy an RDS instance within a private subnet with appropriate configurations.
  6. ElastiCache Implementation:

    • Define and create an ElastiCache cluster accessible only from EC2 instances.
  7. S3 Bucket Creation:

    • Create an S3 bucket for static files with appropriate access permissions.
  8. Route 53 Configuration:

    • Set up DNS records pointing to the ELB.
  9. CloudWatch Monitoring:

    • Create metrics and alarms for monitoring and notifications.

There should be a total of 36 items that Terraform will add:


After that the infrastructure should be ready to use:



3. Recovery Procedures

3.1 Backup Strategy

RDS Backups:

  • Automated Backups: Your Terraform configuration sets the backup_retention_period for the RDS instance. This ensures automated daily backups of your WordPress database.
  • Retention Period: Backups are retained for a duration specified in db_backup_retention_period. It's crucial to set this period based on your recovery needs.
  • Recovery Process:
    1. Identify Recovery Point: Choose the appropriate backup based on the time before the data issue occurred.
    2. Navigate to RDS Console: Go to the Amazon RDS console and locate the wordpress_db instance.
    3. Restore Database: Use the 'Restore to Point in Time' feature to recover your database to the desired state.
    4. Post-Restoration Steps: After restoration, validate data integrity and update any necessary configurations.

3.2 Disaster Recovery

RDS Recovery:

  1. Identify the Issue: Determine the nature and extent of the data corruption or loss.
  2. Access RDS Console: Go to the Amazon RDS console and navigate to the 'Snapshots' section.
  3. Choose a Backup: Select an appropriate automated backup or manual snapshot based on the time before corruption or loss occurred.
  4. Restore the Database: Click on the 'Restore' button for the chosen backup. Configure the DB instance settings as required.
  5. Validate Data: Once the restoration process is complete, validate the integrity and completeness of the data.
  6. Update DNS or Connection Strings: If the restored DB instance has a new endpoint, update the DNS records or connection strings in your application.

EC2 Recovery:

  1. Monitoring Health: Auto Scaling monitors the health of EC2 instances and automatically replaces instances marked as unhealthy.
  2. Manual Interventions:
    • Update AMIs: If an instance failure is due to outdated AMIs, update them with the latest configurations and patches.
    • Adjust Scaling Policies: In case of traffic spikes or changes in load patterns, modify the scaling policies to ensure optimal performance.
    • Manual Replacement: In rare cases, manually terminate and replace instances if Auto Scaling doesn't respond as expected.

3.3 Monitoring and Alerts

CloudWatch Alarms Setup and Configuration

This Terraform setup configures CloudWatch alarms to monitor key metrics across the infrastructure, ensuring timely alerts and proactive management.

  1. AWS SNS Topic for Alarms: A dedicated SNS topic, cloudwatch-alarms-topic, is created to aggregate alarm notifications.

  2. EC2 CPU Utilization Alarm:

    • Alarm Name: ec2-cpu-utilization
    • Metric: Monitors CPU utilization of EC2 instances within the specified Auto Scaling group.
    • Threshold: Set to trigger at or above 75% CPU utilization, averaged over two consecutive periods of 60 seconds.
  3. ELB Unhealthy Hosts Alarm:

    • Alarm Name: elb-unhealthy-hosts
    • Metric: Tracks the count of unhealthy hosts in the specified ELB.
    • Threshold: Triggers if there is at least one unhealthy host, averaged over two consecutive periods of 300 seconds.
  4. RDS CPU Utilization Alarm:

    • Alarm Name: rds-cpu-utilization
    • Metric: Monitors the CPU utilization of the specified RDS instance.
    • Threshold: Set to activate at or above 85% CPU utilization, averaged over two periods of 60 seconds.
  5. ElastiCache Redis CPU Utilization Alarm:

    • Alarm Name: elasticache-redis-cpu-utilization
    • Metric: Observes CPU utilization of the ElastiCache Redis cluster.
    • Threshold: Set to alarm at or above 85% CPU utilization, averaged across two periods of 60 seconds.

4. Further Improvements and Discussion Points

  • CI/CD Pipeline for Infra: Implement a CI/CD pipeline to automate the deployment of infrastructure changes.
  • CI/CD Pipeline for WP: Implement a CI/CD pipeline to automate the deployment of WordPress changes. This would depend on the way the WordPress site is managed. For example, if it's managed via Git, you could use a CI/CD tool like Jenkins to automatically deploy changes to the site.
  • Install S3 Plugin: Install the S3 and CloudFront plugin to automatically upload static files to S3.
  • Shared Storage for wp-content?: Consider using a shared storage solution like Amazon EFS for wp-content to ensure that all EC2 instances have access to the same files like plugins and themes.
  • Add more config options: Add more configuration options to the Terraform modules, such as the ability to specify the number of EC2 instances, the instance type, the RDS instance type, etc.
  • Implement SSL: Implement SSL for the WordPress site using AWS Certificate Manager and the ELB.