ES6 + ExpressJS + SequalizeJS + Mocha + Chai + Superagent + Clustering. Starter kit for make RESTful API in NodeJS.
Every project need a good start. This starter kit have all you need to start a new project using NodeJS and ES6 and many tools that you simply love!.
This project use ES6, so if you are new in javascript world reading this can help you.
Everyone can collaborate with this project just fork and push changes back.
- Clustering mode for load many forks depending of the CPU's units.
- READY to upload for ElasticBeanstalk on AWS (tested).
- JWT for protect routes.
- Promises to handle async request.
- Sequalize for ORM.
- Mocha and Chai for testing.
/controllers (Controllers of the app)
/Middlewares (Middlewares for the routes of the app)
/Models (Models of the app)
/Routes (Routes for Controllers of the app)
/Services (Services for using in any Controller)
Router.js (Config file for Routing)
db.js (DB configuration for use)
middleware.js (All middlewares for using in the express server)
migrate.js (Script file for create the table for the test case)
/test (The test files for BDD)
autoload.js (Script file for autoload specifics files)
config.json (Config file for the app)
server.js (Main file to start the app)
First clone this repository.
git clone
Download all dependencies.
npm install
Edit the file config.json with your own settings:
{ "name": "MyAPP", "port": 1347, "environment": "development", "database": { "server": "", "db": "test", "username": "root", "password": "", "dialect": "mysql" } }
When execute any of this commands the app start with clustering, creating many cluster apps depending of the numbers of CPU's your computer had.
npm run-script dev
In Development mode the express app is starter with nodemon for automatic refresh when do changes.
npm start
npm test
For Testing we use:
- Mocha
- Chai
- Chai-http
In the folder /test you can see a full test for the Todo API.