
Repository for the Microbiology Resource Announcements paper on five complete Streptococcus suis genomes

Primary LanguagePython


Repository for the Microbiology Resource Announcements paper on several closed Streptococcus suis genomes


We sequenced 5 Streptococcus suis strains using Nanopore MinION sequencing technology. For these strains, Illumina MiSeq data was already available (see accessions.txt for ENA accessions). We assembled complete genomes and characterised these using the Snakemake pipeline provided in this repo.


Snakemake v. 5.7.1 was used to manage the workflow. Please see below for an overview of tools used in which step.

Process Tool
Downloading Illumina and MinION data SRA-tools
QC and filtering Illumina reads fastp
QC Nanopore reads FastQC
Filtering Nanopore reads Filtlong
Hybrid assembly Unicycler
Assembly QC Quast
MLST calling mlst
Detection resistance genes ABRicate + NCBI db
Detection virulence genes ABRicate + VFDB db
Annotation Prokka
Depth of coverage Minimap2 + Samtools + BEDtools


The complete pipeline took ~3.5 hours on a 96GB node using 16 threads.

Five complete genomes were produced, all consisting of a closed chromosome without any extrachromosomal elements. PhiX data was still present in the Illumina data, which gave a second contig in all assemblies. These have been removed from the assemblies uploaded to the ENA. The accessions of the assemblies in ENA are:

Strain Genome accession
861160 GCA_902702745
9401240 GCA_902702775
GD-0001 GCA_902702785
GD-0088 GCA_902702765
S10 GCA_902702755

The closed genomes were some 40-70kb larger than the short read-only assemblies. We did not identify any regions that were missed in the short read-only assemblies (non-assembling regions?). However, depth of coverage might indicate that several repeats were collapsed in the short read-only assemblies, which caused a difference in size between the hybrid assemblies and the short read-only assemblies.

All data is available from project PRJEB35407.