
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


mm is backended by fmm.

Building the docker and launching the fmm server

Navigating to the mm folder and running

bash build.sh

the above command will build the docker and create a folder trips which will be used to hold the input and output trajectory datasets. To run the built docker, execute

bash run.sh

and it enters the running container and stays in /mm/entrance. The script start.sh will launch the fmm server with the specified parameters such as


you can change the parameters and run the script to start the server.

bash start.sh chengdu

Running the client

Move your trajectory files into mm/trips/input.

You can choose to run the client either in the container or in the host.

Note that if you want to run the client in the container you cannot use symbol links for the trajectory files, and have to move them mannually to mm/trips/input but symbol links are fine for running in the host.

Running in the container

cd /mm/entrance/client && bash start_client.sh $city $port $num_workers $write_format

where $city, $port, $num_workers are parameters you specified in /mm/entrance/start.sh. For $write_format, the available formats are "csv", "jld2", "h5"; it is saved as csv format by default but if you wish to use the output in Julia, the "jld2" format is recommended because it enjoys much faster loading speed. The loading time (including the parsing time) "jld2" < "h5" < "csv". Their corresponding reading functions readtripscsv, readtripsjld2 readtripsh5, can be found in file tripUtils.jl.

Running in the host

First, install julia-1.8 and navigate to mm/entrance/client, run

bash start_client.sh $city $port $num_workers $write_format


  • The fmm parameters can be configured in mm/entrance/server/fmm_config_gen.py.
  • The map data is stored in mm/entrance/data/cities/.
  • You can also download the latest osm data using mm/entrance/server/osm_data.py where you can specify the bounding box, like python osm_data.py harbin.
  • The input trajectory files are put in mm/trips/input/.
  • The matching results are saved in mm/trips/output/.
  • The matching output csv file is seperated by ';', the columns are all the fields defined in struct Trip in Trips.jl.
  • The struct Trip has a field validspeed (bool) and the matched trajectories with speed more than 35m/s are considered invalid (validspeed=false).
  • The jld2 output format is recommened if using in Julia language.
  • If you want to obtain other field returned by fmm you can change Trip in Trips.jl and process_response in mapmatcher.jl
  • num_workers is the number of workers employed to perform the matching tasks, you can set it a large number if your machine has many cpu cores.