
:octocat: A curated list of awesome packages and themes from the Sublime ecosystem.

Awesome Sublime Text

:octocat: A curated list of awesome packages and themes from the Sublime ecosystem.

Table of Contents



This is a list of well-documented, tested packages that are frequently used in Sublime Text. If you're looking for an exhaustive list of packages, then check out the Package Repositories mentioned above.

Editor Enhancements

Files and Markdown Editors

Liners and Syntax Highlighters

Git Integrations


Tricky Things


Cmd ⌘ + D Select a word
Cmd ⌘ + L Select a line
Cmd ⌘ + A Select the entire content within the document.
Cmd ⌘ + P Search in the files by filename.
Cmd ⌘ + Mouse Click It allows you to type in multiple places at the same time, saving you development time.


Cmd ⌘ + Kntrl ^ + ↑/↓ Shift line up or down
Cmd + X Cut the line
Cmd + K Delete from cursor to end of line
Kntrl ⌃ + Shift ⇧ + ↑/↓ Extra cursor on the line above and below
F6 Turn On Spellcheck


Cmd + P Quick-open files by name
Cmd + R Go to symbol
Cmd + G Goto line in current file
Ctrl + Page Up ⇞ or Page Down ⇟ (Windows and Linux) Switch Between Tabs


Found an awesome package, blog, course or video? Send me a pull request!


CC BY 4.0

Awesome Sublime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.