
Brunch skeleton for p5.js


Start a new p5 project in seconds. Here's how:

  • If you don't have brunch, get it with npm i -g brunch.
  • Run brunch new -s mattpilla/p5-brunch.


npm start will start your app at http://localhost:3333, complete with hot reload.

Build for Production

npm run build will build your app to the public/ directory, with babel, uglify, and cache-prevention.

Boring Stuff

  • All source code goes in the app/ directory.
  • Start your sketch in app/sketch.js.
  • p5 is in instance mode here, not global. Interface with p5 through the sketch object.
  • Your JS is ES2015 ready. Write all the requires you want.
  • Everything in the app/assets/ directory will be copied to public/ for builds.
  • All CSS in app/ will be concatenated and minified for builds.
  • All JS in app/ will be concatenated and minified for builds.
  • By default, p5.min.js and p5.sound.min.js are included. They are copied from node_modules/ as is (intentionally).
  • Want to add another p5 plugin? In brunch-config.js, include its path in exports.plugins.copycat.modules. Then, include the relevant script tag in app/assets/index.html.
  • Don't forget to edit package.json!