
This is the first version of the Data Modelling and Databases course project that was developed during the first semester in Innopolis University '15.

Primary LanguagePHP


This is the first version of the Data Modelling and Databases course project that was developed during the first semester in Innopolis University '15.

Notice that it is quite stinky and needs future revisioning (or not 🙂)

Prepare the Environment

  1. Download the dblp.xml and dblp.dtd from http://dblp.uni-trier.de/xml/ to the same directory.

  2. Restore the database with mysql dump file (dblp.sql) Suppose you have already installed mysql database. Then you can use source command to restore the database: mysql>> source path_of_dblp.sql

If everything goes well, a database named dblp with four tables (i.g., author, citation, conference, paper) has been created.

  1. Configure database connection Please change the settings (i.g., dbUrl, user, password) in db/DBConnection.java accordingly.

  2. Run the parser

And then run Parser.java with proper program argument (the path of dblp.xml) and VM arguments (-Xmx1G -DentityExpansionLimit=2500000). You may see this post on how to specify arguments in Eclipse. http://www.cs.colostate.edu/helpdocs/eclipseCommLineArgs.html

  • Using the command line Similarly, you need to add mysql-connector-java-6.0-bin.jar in the classpath, and set the arguments. The command will be something like: java -cp mysql-connector-java-6.0-bin.jar -Xmx1G -DentityExpansionLimit=2500000 Parser [path_of_dblp.xml]

The program will run for a while. For example, it takes 974 seconds to parse dblp-2014.xml using my desktop.

Future features

  1. Parse journals, books and theses as well.
<article key="journals/ac/Wexelblat75">
<author>Richard L. Wexelblat</author>
<title>Programmed Control of Asynchronous Program Interrupts.</title>
<journal>Advances in Computers</journal>