
A CORS plugin for Serviceberry

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CORS plugin for Serviceberry. For information on Cross-Origin Resource Sharing check out this article on MDN.


npm install serviceberry-cors


This plugin sets Access-Control- response headers describing what is allowed when cross-origin requests are made. Forbidden cross-origin requests are denied with a 403 Forbidden response.

without options

const cors = require("serviceberry-cors");

trunk.use(cors());                      // Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

with origin

const cors = require("serviceberry-cors");

trunk.use(cors("https://example.com")); // Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example.com

with options

const cors = require("serviceberry-cors");

    origins: "https://*example.com",    // includes all subdomains and apex domain
    maxAge: 86400,                      // cache the preflight request for a day
    credentials: true,                  // requests can be made with credentials
    requestHeaders: [                   // requests can be made with these headers
    responseHeaders: [                  // responses can include these headers
    methods: [                          // requests can be made with these methods


  • origins array or string


    A whitelist of origins or a single origin. Can be an asterisk * to be sent literally telling the client all origins. Can optionally include an asterisk * within an origin to mean any subdomain and/or any protocol.

    • *.foo.com matches http or https and any subdomain of foo.com but not foo.com as an apex (bare) domain.

    • https://*foo.com matches only https and any subdomains of foo.com including the apex (bare) domain. notice there is no dot . after the asterisk *

    • *://foo.com matches http or https and only the apex (bare) domain without a subdomain.

    Defaults to *

  • maxAge number [optional]


    Number of seconds the result of the preflight request may be cached.

    By default this header will not be sent.

  • credentials boolean [optional]


    Whether the request is allowed to be made with credentials. Cookies and Authorization header

    By default this header will not be sent.

  • requestHeaders array [optional]


    Whitelist of request headers that may be used beyond the CORS safe list.

    By default this header will not be sent.

  • responseHeaders array [optional]


    Whitelist of response headers that are safe for use by the requesting origin.

    By default this header will not be sent.

  • methods array [optional]


    Whitelist of request methods that may be used to make a request.

    Defaults to all implemented methods.


serviceberry-cors exports a static factory method for creating an instance of the AccessControl class that serves as the Serviceberry handler. The class can be accessed directly at cors.AccessControl if you wish to extend it. One use case for extending AccessControl could be for dynamic header values beyond Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Some methods of interest are listed below.

constructor ([origins])

  • origins array or string

    See above

constructor (options)

  • options object

    See above

use (request, response)

Serviceberry handler method.

  • request object

    Serviceberry request object.

  • response object

    Serviceberry response object.

getAllowOrigin (request)

Returns the value to be used for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. This value will be used to determine whether Access-Controls headers are needed.

  • request object

    Serviceberry request object.

getMaxAge (request)

Returns the value to be used for the Access-Control-Max-Age header.

  • request object

    Serviceberry request object.

getAllowCredentials (request)

Returns the value to be used for the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.

  • request object

    Serviceberry request object.

getAllowHeaders (request)

Returns the value to be used for the Access-Control-Allow-Headers.

  • request object

    Serviceberry request object.

getExposeHeaders (request)

Returns the value to be used for the Access-Control-Expose-Headers.

  • request object

    Serviceberry request object.

getAllowMethods (request)

Returns the value to be used for the Access-Control-Allow-Methods.

  • request object

    Serviceberry request object.

setAccessControlHeaders (allowOrigin, request, response)

Determines what headers to set and their values and sets them.

  • allowOrigin string

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin header value.

  • request object

    Serviceberry request object.

  • response object

    Serviceberry response object.