
  • name your database acme_express_spa please

  • make sure to sync and seed your data, so that we can review the application!

  • make sure to have a start:dev script and include all your dependences in your package.json

  • your package.json should have scripts for build and build:dev

  • pick a topic you are interested in.

    • sports
    • entertainment
    • cooking
    • coding
    • hobbies
    • or anything else you are interested in!
  • create an express application with api routes which provide access to your data

  • a GET '/' route should return your index.html page

  • your index.html should be a single page application which loads a script in /dist/main.js which has been generated by webpack

  • a possible order of development

    • backend API
    • set up GET '/' route
    • use axios to display data
    • add ability to delete data
    • add ability to insert data
  • don't copy and paste code

  • feel free to use a static route for any css files

  • feel free to add other pages

  • feel free to add the ability to insert data (see @faker-js/faker library)