
Unlimited Trial License Litespeed

Primary LanguageShell

Trial License Litespeed

Unlimited Trial License Litespeed

This script automatically extends the trial time for litespeed


First, get the script and make it executable:

curl -L -o /opt/litespeed_hfn https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tactu2023/trial_license_litespeed/main/trial_litespeed --silent
chmod +x /opt/litespeed_hfn

Then run it:


Remove Script

curl -L -o /opt/remove_hfn https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tactu2023/trial_license_litespeed/main/remove_hfn --silent
chmod +x /opt/remove_hfn && /opt/remove_hfn
rm -f /opt/remove_hfn


Not to be used for commercial purposes. We do not support this script Still in beta, use at your own risk! It is provided without any warranty!