
Micro Bog Magic - A multi micro blog client

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Micro Bog Magic

Build Status Coverage Status

Micro Bog Magic is a multi micro blog client written in Python3 which is able to manage several accounts on various micro blogging platforms. The project is currently still under heavy development.

Table of contents



  • post updates to twitter
  • post photos to twitter


  • tumblr support
  • read timelines and actively listen for updates
  • follower/friends management
  • facebook timeline updates support
  • other micro blogs

Getting started

Note: This software is still in an early alpha status. Therefor I only describe an installation in a sandboxed environment for development purpose.



After cloning the project enter the project directory and type vagrant up. Wait until everything is setup and enter the sandbox with vagrant ssh.

Usage Example

Create account

This usage example connects mbm to your twitter account and posts some status updates.

Prerequisites: Go to https://dev.twitter.com/ and sign in with your twitter username and password. Then go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and register an new Application. In the API Keys section of the application you see the API key and the API secret which you are going to need in the next step.

The following take place inside the sandbox.

  1. Crate an account named bob

    mbm account --type twitter new bob

If you create the first account of a certain provider (in this case Twitter) you will need to insert the consumer key and consumer secret which you've obtained as a prerequisite. An editor will open automatically so you can paste in the credentials. Next the Twitter website is going to pop up and will prompt you for your user name and password therefore you can authorize the application to access your account data. After you did that you will be redirected to a website of mine which presents you your OAuth access token. Copy the oauth token and oauth token secret and close the browser. Next fill in the credentials and your username in the editor which pops up automatically. Save the file and quit the editor. Now you are ready to post.

Post messages

  1. Post a message from the command line

    echo 'This is a new tweet' | mbm post text --account bob

  2. Post a message from a file (pay attention to twitters restrictions to 160 characters)

    mbm post text -a bob --body /path/to/file

  3. Post a picture (maximum 3 megabyte)

    mbm post photo -a bob /path/to/photo


Command line help

Inside the vagrant box type mbm --help to get an overview of the command line interface.


Inside the vagrant box type man mbm to open the manpage. At the moment the manpage is still work in progress.


The projects integration test is supposed to serve a documentation purpose as well as blackbox testing. The file can be found here: integration_test.md


Contributions are welcome! Please have a look at CONTRIBUTING.md before you start hacking. Thanks!


There is a Makefile inside the project root directory which server as a central entry point for developing tasks like running tests or package building. All tasks described inside the Makefile are supposed to be run from inside the sandbox in order to to run properly and to keep your host system clean.

Running the tests

The following command will run the unittests as well as the integration test.

make test

Code coverage can be figured out with

make coverage

This will create a htmlcov directory in the project root. Open the index.html inside this folder to see the coverage report.

Cleaning up

Run the following command to safely delete all temporary files which are are created while running test and building packages.

make clean


I encourage you to report bugs in github issues.