
The vault is a command line file encryption tool.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

The Vault

The Vault is a command line file encryption tool. It performs symmetric AES encryption using passwords. All cryptographic actions rely on the sodiumoxide crate which itself is based on libsodium.


  • encrypt / decrypt files
  • receive data via stdin / send data to stdout
  • encrypt / decrypt network traffic
  • view encrypted file
  • edit encrypted file
  • read password from password file, environment variable, command line parameter or stdin

Available sub commands

thevault 0.1.0
A file encryption utility

    thevault <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    decrypt    Decrypts a message to a file or stdout
    edit       Opens an encrypted file in the default editor
    encrypt    Encrypts a message from a file or stdin
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    view       Opens an encrypted file in the default pager

Available options and flags

thevault-encrypt 0.1.0
Encrypts a message from a file or stdin

    thevault encrypt [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -b, --base64     Write out the encrypted message as base64 encoded string
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -f, --file <file>                      File to encrypt [default: stdin]
    -o, --outfile <outfile>                Destination file [default: stdout]
    -p, --password <password>              Encryption password [default: stdin] [env: THEVAULTPASS]
    -w, --password-file <password-file>    Path to file storing the encryption password [env:


Currently the way to install The Vault is via Cargo. This might change in the future when I found the time to do the packaging.

cargo install thevault

Environment Variables

variable name purpose default value
EDITOR the text editor to be used when editing the vault vim
PAGER the pager to be used when viewing the vault less
THEVAULTPASS the password used to encrypt / decrypt the vault None
THEVAULTPASSFILE path to a file containing the encryption / decryption password None

Setting a password

When working with The Vault on a frequent basis it might become tedious to type the same password over and over again. There are several ways available to provide the password without repeatedly typing it.

A vault password file

head -c 32 /dev/random | base64 > ~/.thevaultpass
chmod 600 ~/.thevaultpass
thevault encrypt -i -w ~/.thevaultpass myprivatefile.txt
thevault decrypt -i -w ~/.thevaultpass myprivatefile.txt

An environment variable

export THEVAULTPASS=$(head -c 32 /dev/random | base64)
thevault encrypt -i myprivatefile.txt
thevault decrypt -i myprivatefile.txt

Command line option

thevault encrypt -i -p mysecretpassword  myprivatefile.txt  # Caution: the password ends up in the shell history
thevault decrypt -i -p mysecretpassword  myprivatefile.txt  # Caution: the password ends up in the shell history


Read from stdin and write to stdout

❯ cat <<END | thevault encrypt
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.

Decrypt a file to a different destination

❯ cat zen.aes

❯ thevault decrypt -f zen.aes -o zen

❯ cat zen
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.

Encrypt network stream

❯ nc -l 4000 &

❯ thevault encrypt -b -f tcp:// -o tcp://

On a different terminal

echo "Hello World" | nc localhost 9999

Write network stream to encrypted file

❯ curl -s https://i.imgur.com/yC5yVwQ.jpeg | thevault encrypt -o cat.aes

❯ thevault decrypt -f cat.aes | display