Enoca SpringBoot Challange

This project is an E-commerce platform developed using Java Spring Boot framework. It includes entities for Product, Customer, Cart, and Order, with a Base Entity for inheritance. The project aims to demonstrate the management of products, customers, carts, and orders in an online shopping scenario, including the association between a customer, their cart, and multiple orders. Additionally, it incorporates features such as real-time calculation and updating of total prices in the cart, tracking historical prices of products, and managing product stock.


Programming Language: Java 17

Database: MySQL

Dependencies: Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, MySQL Driver, Spring Boot DevTools


Clone the repository:

  git clone https://github.com/bobackursat99/EnocaSpringBootChallange/tree/main

Create a MySQL database or connect to an existing MySQL server.

Open the application.properties file and update the MySQL database configuration.

Navigate to the project folder and run the following command to start the application:

  mvn spring-boot:run