
Scripts to get and toggle Azure Hybrid Use Benefit / Standard licensing - http://blog.superautomation.co.uk/2017/07/convert-azure-windows-virtual-machine.html

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Azure Resource Manager Hybrid Use Scripts

Set of scripts to get and toggle Azure Hybrid Use Benefit / Standard licensing - http://blog.superautomation.co.uk/2017/07/convert-azure-windows-virtual-machine.html

WARNING - The Set-AzureRmVmLicenseType.PS1 script has to destroy your existing VM and recreate a new VM based on the old machine spec. DO NOT use this on a machine that you have not backed up.

You should check your boot diagnostic account on the VM. If it is ZRS somehow, the script won't be able to recreate your VM.

Should now work with Managed Disk VMs.


Log in to your Azure account and select a subscription. If you need the AzureRm Cmdlets, run 'Install-Module AzureRm'

PS> Login-AzureRmAccount

PS> Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName MySubscription

Get a list of VMs and their current license type - Windows_Server is the hybrid use license type.

PS> .\Get-AzureRmVmLicenseType.PS1

Set a VM to hybrid use benefit

PS> . .\Set-AzureRmVmLicenseType.PS1 -VmName testvm1 -LicenseType Hybrid -Force

Set a VM to regular licensing

PS> . .\Set-AzureRmVmLicenseType.PS1 -VmName testvm1 -LicenseType Standard -Force