
Primary LanguageTypeScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Angular2 Schema Form

Angular2 Schema Form is an Angular2 module allowing you to instanciate an HTML form from a JSON schema.


There is an example of application using Angular2 Schema Form. You can also test the module on the website.


  • Generate a form from a single json schema object
  • Allow initialisation from previous values
  • Validation handled by z-schema
  • Allow injection of custom validators
  • Allow declaration of custom widgets


To use Angular2 Schema Form in your project, simply execute the following command:

  npm install angular2-schema-form --save-dev

You just have to check that all the peer-dependencies of this module are satisfied in your package.json.

Input Schema

Here is an example of schema that can be converted to a form:

Quick start

  1. To use this module, you have to declare the WidgetRegistry as a provider at bootstrap.
// main.ts
import { bootstrap } from "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic";
import { disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms } from "@angular/forms"
import { WidgetRegistry } from "angular2-schema-form";
import { MyApp } from "./app/app.component";

bootstrap(MyApp,[disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms(), WidgetRegistry]);
  1. Add the schema-form to your template
<!-- myapp.template.html -->
  1. Add Form to your Component directives.
// myapp.component.ts
import { Form } from "angular2-schema-form";

  directives: [Form],
  template: require("./myapp.template.html") // webpack's require
export class MyApp {
  1. Bind the schema input propertie The Form Component's schema input property is used to construct the form.
<!-- myapp.template.html -->
<schema-form [schema]='mySchema' ... ></schema-form>
// myapp.component.ts
@Component({ ... })
class MyApp {
  mySchema: any = require("./myschema.json");
  1. Bind actions to the form buttons When a form button is clicked its action is triggered. Actions are provided through the actions input property.
<!-- myapp.template.html -->
<schema-form ... [actions]="myActions" ></schema-form>
// myapp.component.ts

@Component({ ... })
class MyApp {
  myActions: any = {
    "submit": (form) => { form.submit(); },
    "reset": (form) => { form.submit(); },
    "debug": (form) => { alert(JSON.stringify(form.getModel()); }

Now you should have a minimal working form.

Schema format

The format accepted as an input of the Form Component is an extension of JSON Schema. In this section are described the extensions made to the original JSON Schema standard.

Form description

  "properties": {
    "username": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "First name"
    "email": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Email"
  "fieldsets": [{
    "fields": ["username", "email"]
  "buttons": [{
    "id": "send"
  }, {
    "id": "reset"

The fields are described in the properties entry of the schema: A field has a type which is one of the JSON schema primitive types. The fieldset entry describes which are the sections of the form and which fields they contain. The buttons entry permit to add buttons to the form.

Schema validation

Currently, schema validation is made by z-schema. When a field's value change, it is validated against the corresponding "property". The field validity is reflected through the css class of the field which can be either ng-valid or ng-invalid.

  "properties": {
    "username": {
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": "^[A-Za-z][1-9A-Za-z]+$",
      "maxLength": 10,
      "description": "First name"
    "email": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "email",
      "description": "Email"

The above example add validation information to the fields (eg. "maxLength": 10). The validation constraints which can be set to a field are those described in the JSON Schema validation specification.


  "properties": {
      "description": "Full name",
      "pattern": "^[A-Za-z][1-9A-Za-z]+$",
      "maxLength": 10
    "email": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Email address",
      "format": "email"
  "fieldsets": [{
    "id": "profileInformation",
    "fields": ["name", "email"]
  "buttons": [{
    "id": "send"
  }, {
    "id": "reset"
  "required": ["name"]

Form input bindings

All input bindings are supposed to work if loaded asynchronously.

Initial values

You can provide an initial model as an input of the form. The model must be a subset of the properties listed in your JSON schema. The form will then be prefilled with these properties.

In the SchemaForm host Component:

@Component({ ... })
export class MyApp {
  private initialModel: {
    "username": "johnd",
    "email": "john.doe@example.com"

In its template:

<schema-form ... [model]="initialModel"></schema-form>

Custom validation

If you need to add a custom validator for a field, you can pass a validator function to the Form as an input.

In the SchemaForm host Component:

@Component({ ... })
export class MyApp {
  private validators = {};
  constructor() {
    this.validators["username"] = (value) => {
      if (value.split('').reverse().join('') === value) {
        return null;
      } else {
        return {"palindrome": {"actualValue": value}};
    this.validators["email"] = (value, model) => {
      if (isPresent(model.username)) {
        let prefix = value.split("@")[0];
        return prefix === model.username ? null
        : {"emailContainsUsername": {"shouldContain": model.username, "actualValue": value } };

And in its template:

<schema-form ... [fieldValidators]="validators"></schema-form>


The form's buttons are bound to custom actions which are also provided by one-way binding. The actions input must be a dictionnary that maps a button id to a function.

@Component({ ... })
export class MyApp {
  private actions = {};

  constructor() {
    actions["submit"] = (form) => {
    actions["reset"] = (form) => {

Creating a custom widget

Angular2 schema form allows you to create your own widget. Currently this feature is not completely defined and API could change.

Building the API documentation

You can build an HTML version of the API documentation by running the following command:

npm run typedoc

The api is then available in the "doc" directory.