
A React static website starter project. Uses ES6 with babel, eslint, and webpack integration.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Static Website Starter Project

This repo is an example of a React static website. The project has the following features:

  • ES6 code
  • Babel v6 transpilation
  • ESLint integration
  • Hot loading of changes during development

The goal is to evolve this project into a simple Markdown-driven static website with a Bootstrap responsive theme.. The idea is to keep things simple.

You can watch this repo for the coming changes as it evolves into a simple static website.


Clone, install, and run. Webpack will run the ES6 code through eslint during start.

git clone https://github.com/bobbrady/react-static-website.git
cd react-static-website
npm install
npm start
// browse to http://localhost:8080

Currently, the landing page will show a simple list of future website pages, as shown below

React Static Website Landing Page

ESLint, Hot Loading, and Webpack Integration

Webpack is configured to hot load changes during development via its entry points and loaders. Webpack will run all *.js files through the Babel transpiler and then the es6 linter.

entry: [
module: {
	loaders: [
		{test: /\.jsx?$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'react-hot!babel'},
		{test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel!eslint'}

Odds 'N Ends


  • The AirBnB eslint rules set is used for linting.
  • Rule exceptions of allowing jsx in js and a few more are allowed.


ES6 code is used in the webpack config JS file. In order to run the config through the Babel transpiler, it had to be named with the convention webpack.config.[LOADER].js. So in this case, it had to be named webpack.config.babel.js in order for it to run without error.

The reason for using ES6 code in the webpack config was to use the built-in path module of node. Concatenation of the build dir to the current dir variable caused an eslint error that recommended fixing with use of the path module API.

See Webpack Issue 1403 for discussion about the webpack.config.[LOADER]js config.