___ __ _ ____ __ _______ __ _ __ / _ | _______/ /_ __(_)__ ___ / __ \/ / / __/ _ \ / / (_) / _______ _______ __ / __ |/ __/ _ / // / / _ \/ _ \ / /_/ / /__/ _// // / / /__/ / _ \/ __/ _ `/ __/ // / /_/ |_/_/ \_,_/\_,_/_/_//_/\___/ \____/____/___/____/ /____/_/_.__/_/ \_,_/_/ \_, / /___/ OLED Library file for the Arduino platform. This Library will contain the basic drawing and displaying functions for the 4D Systems OLED display modules. My Circuit Design is also using an NPN Transistor to act as a power on switch from the Arduino board. This allows the Arduino to power up first and start the code before giving power to the Display which can cause damage. Note this file is currently working with the original PMMC File uOLED-96-G1-uSD-Serial_rev1.pmmc If you are not able to get the display working correctly, please try updating your OLED firmware with the file listed above, or make sure you have the latest from 4DSystems. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Commands of OLED Library OLED myOLED(7,8,2500,57600); //pinPower, pinReset, baudRate, startUpTimer myOLED.Init(); //Turn on OLED Display myOLED.Clear(); //Clear Screen myOLED.ResetDisplay(); //Resets Display Unit myOLED.get16bitRGB(random(255),random(255),random(255)); //Returns the RGB color value in two bytes for the OLED myOLED.PenSize(size); //Set pixel size of pen myOLED.PutPixel(x,y,color); //Places a pixel on the screen at x and y with listed color value myOLED.DrawLine (x,y,x2,y2,color); //Draws a line from the listed x,y to the x2,y2 with listed color value myOLED.DrawRectangle (x,y,width,height,color); //Draws a rectangle from the listed x,y at the width and height with listed color value myOLED.DrawCircle (x,y,radius,color); //Draws a circle from the listed x,y at the radius with listed color value myOLED.SetFontSize(8); //Set Font size using 00hex : 5x7 small 01hex : 8x8 medium 02hex : 8x12 large myOLED.DrawText(column, row, fontSize, *mytext, color) //Display text at the column and row listed with font size and listed color. *myText is an array of characters. myOLED.DrawSingleChar myOLED.CopyPast myOLED.SaveBitChar myOLED.DisplayBitChar