
Read sitemap or simple raw file and ping its URLs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A small script for pinging URLs from a sitemap or one-url-by-line file.

$ pinger /path/to/file
$ pinger http://domain.com/path/to/file
$ pinger /path/to/unzipped/sitemap.xml -s
$ pinger http://domain.com/sitemap.xml.gz -sg

Table of Contents


pinger requires the following to run:


pinger is easiest to use when installed with npm.

Install it globally so you'll have access to the pinger command anywhere on your system.

$ npm install -g @lcoq/pinger

Then you can run pinger with the following command:

pinger <file-path-or-url>

pinger pings once each URLs in a file separated by a newline.

pinger <sitemap.xml.gz-path-or-url> -sg

pinger pings once each URLs in the given .xml.gz sitemap file.


pinger supports the following options:

-s, --sitemap             Parse file as a .xml sitemap
-g, --gzip                Unzip .gz file
-t, --timeout <seconds>   Seconds before request timeout (default to 5)
-r, --repeat <count>      Number of times URLs are pinged (default to 1)
-b, --bunch <count>       Group requests by bunch of <count> requests and execute them simultaneously (default to 1)
-h, --help                output usage information
-V, --version             output the version number


pinger reports for each URL pinged the status code of the response and the time elapsed during the request-response cycle (including redirects).

When pinger is used with the --timeout option, each URL that ended in a request timeout is also reported:

http://www.google.com 200 (0.36s)
http://www.google.fr 200 (0.38s)
http://www.bing.com TIMEOUT

pinger also provides a report once all URLs are pinged:

--- Report ---
Success: 792
Timeout: 4
Error: 0


To contribute to pinger, please clone this repository locally, commit your code in a separate branch and open a pull-request.


pinger is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2016, Louis Coquio