
Intercept recipients when delivering email with the Mail gem.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Code Quality

Never accidentally send emails to real people from your staging environment.

Rails example

Send all staging emails to a group email address without accidentally emailing users with active email addresses in the database.

In Gemfile:

gem 'recipient_interceptor'

In config/environments/staging.rb:

Mail.register_interceptor RecipientInterceptor.new(ENV['EMAIL_RECIPIENTS'])

From the command line:

heroku config:add EMAIL_RECIPIENTS="staging@example.com" --remote staging


Optionally prefix the subject line:

Mail.register_interceptor RecipientInterceptor.new(
  subject_prefix: '[STAGING]'

Optionally intercept emails :

Mail.register_interceptor RecipientInterceptor.new(
  condition: lambda { |message| message.subject =~ /Error/ } # if the condition proc return true the email is intercepted


RecipientInterceptor is maintained by Dan Croak and contributors like you.


RecipientInterceptor is © 2013 Dan Croak. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.