
A todo list application written in Python and Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A very simple todolist application written in python, that is built to be simple and light weight for you to host on your own machine.


Make sure you have the dependencies installed

sudo apt install python python-pip python-flask sqlite
sudo pip install flask

You then need to generate the database and some users, from the directory of the project run:

cd utils
cd ..
python create_user.py <username> <password>


Simply run this command to start the server in development mode:

python app.py

You can then navigate to localhost:5000 in your browser and start using the app.

Creating Users

To create a user navigate to the project's root directly and run:

python create_user.py <username> <password>

where both <username> and <password> are replaced with your desired username and password.


Simply type a task into the textbox at the top and press enter.


To tag a task write a # symbol followed by the tag name.

For example Check emails #work #emails, would create a Check emails task with the tags work and emails.


To assign a time to a task, write an @ symbol followed by one of these possible times:

  • today
  • tomorrow
  • monday
  • tuesday
  • wednesday
  • thursday
  • friday
  • saturday
  • sunday

For example Check emails #work @tomorrow, would create a Check emails task with the tag work and a due date of tomorrow.