
A simple markdown file tagger meant for use with Obsidian

Primary LanguagePython


Markdown Folder File Tagger


The Markdown File Tagger is a Python script designed to automatically tag Markdown files based on their folder structure. It scans through a given folder tree and appends tags to the front matter of each Markdown file. These tags are generated from the names of the folders that contain the file.


  • Automatic Tagging: The script automatically generates tags based on folder names.
  • Front Matter Support: The script detects existing front matter sections and places the tags appropriately. If a file doesn't have front matter, the script will create it and add the tags.
  • Idempotent: Running the script multiple times on the same folder will not duplicate tags.
  • Markdown Files Only: The script will only process markdown files, which should prevent errors when running it on directories containing other types of files.
  • Customizable: Easy to adapt and extend for more specialized tagging needs.


  • Python 3.x


Basic Usage

Run the script from the command line and pass in the root folder you'd like to start tagging from:

tagger_md /path/to/root/folder

This will recursively go through all the Markdown files in that folder and its subfolders, appending or updating a tag section to each.

Example 1

For a directory tree like:

└── test.md

The test.md file will get a tag Test added to its front matter like this:

  - Test

Example 2

For a more complex directory tree like:

└── Test_1
    ├── test.md

The test.md file will get tags Test and Test_1 added to its front matter like this:

  - Test
  - Test_1

Advanced Usage

You can also specify additional tags to be added to all files:

tagger_md /path/to/root/folder tag1 tag2

This will add 'tag1' and 'tag2' to all files, in addition to the directory-based tags.


For those who used the first version and want to switch over, I wrote a script called cleanup_scripts/cleanup.py. It will remove the #### Tags section from all files in a directory tree. It's not pretty, but it works. Here is the usage:

python cleanup.py /path/to/root/folder

If you ran a version of the script that added duplicate frontmatters and want to start over, run cleanup_scripts/cleanup_dupes.py. This will clear all frontmatter from all files in a directory tree. Here is the usage:

python cleanup_dupes.py /path/to/root/folder