Materialize + Metabase Demo

Materialize Metabase driver demo

Before you start

  • A running Materialize instance
  • A running Metabase instance
  • The Materialize Metabase connector installed
  • dbt installed
  • Terraform installed (optional)

You can sign up for a free Materialize account here.

Running Metabase (optional)

The Materialize driver is available with Metabase Cloud by default. If you have a Metabase Cloud account, you can skip this section.

If you don't have a Metabase Cloud account, you can run Metabase locally. To do so, follow the instructions below.

Start a Metabase Docker container with the Materialize driver installed:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 materialize/metabase:1.0.3

Running the demo

A Terraform Provider for Materialize

  • Prepare your environment variables:
cp .env.example .env
  • Edit .env and set all the variables to the correct values.
  • Source the environment variables:
source .env
cd terraform
terraform init
terraform apply

As this step is optional, if you don't want to use Terraform, you can skip this step and create a Materialize cluster manually:

CREATE CLUSTER auction_house SIZE 'medium';
  • Run the dbt project:
cd dbt
dbt run
  • Generate the dbt docs:
dbt docs generate
dbt docs serve
  • Access Metabase at http://localhost:3000 (or your Metabase Cloud instance).

  • Create a new database connection to Materialize and explore the data.

Metabase real-time dashboard with Materialize