
Miniature of stockbit application to show data from stock market

Primary LanguageKotlin

API Profile

Project to replicate Stockbit app, although its a mini size of that app. Some cool tech stack I'm using in this project is Scarlet, Modularization, Navigation Component, etc. Not to forget, I also adding Unit Test for each layer.



Login Watch List Data Feed

Tech Stack


Modularization, based on Clean Architecture divided into three main modules

  • Data (Mostly for calling API)
  • Domain (More like mediator between Data and Presentation)
  • Presentation (UI and business logic)

Inspired by Android Clean Architecture project by Happy Singh. Awesome modularization project.


Core & Jetpack

Development, Debug & Test


I'm using CryptoCompare API to get the data both API and WebSocket. Click link below



Main purpose is to startKoin because app module implementing other three modules, so its the best place to startKoin that covered the whole app


BuildSrc is the module to maintain the dependencies of third party library for app to use. It contains list of dependencies and version of that dependencies.


Handle communications to remote data. In this app case is to call API both for REST and WebSocket


Contain use case and became the mediator to transfer data from Data layer to Presentation layer


This layer responsiblity is to handle UI and business logic. I put the MVVM design pattern implementation here. The module only know about Domain module.