Discord Self-Bot Logger with Gemini AI

This Python script is a self-bot that uses the Gemini AI model to analyze screenshots and then sends a humorous interpretation of what's happening on screen as a simulated JavaScript error code to a Discord group chat periodically.

Important Disclaimer:

  • Using self-bots is against Discord's Terms of Service and may result in your account being banned. Use this at your own risk.
  • This script is designed for educational purposes and personal experimentation. Do not use this in any way that could violate platform terms, privacy, or cause harm.


  • Gemini AI Integration: Utilizes the Google Gemini API to analyze screenshots.
  • Discord Integration: Sends updates to a Discord group chat at regular intervals.
  • Humorous Error-Like Output: Presents the analysis as a humorous fake JavaScript error.
  • Screenshot Capture: Takes a screenshot of your screen using pyscreenshot.
  • Pop-Up Window: Displays the Gemini analysis in a pop-up window.
  • Notification Sound: Plays a sound when updates are sent, using vlc.
  • Environment Variable Configuration: Loads all necessary tokens and IDs from a .env file, enhancing security and flexibility.


  1. Python 3.7+

  2. Install Required Libraries:

    pip install discord.py google-generativeai python-dotenv pyscreenshot Pillow python-vlc

    If python-vlc is causing problems try pip install playsound and use that library as an alternative.

  3. Google Gemini API Key: You will need an API key from Google Gemini.

  4. Discord User Token: You will need your Discord user token.

    • Do not share your user token with anyone.
    • To get your token log into the Discord Web app in Google Chrome. Open Developer Tools, go to the Application tab, then the Local Storage section, you should see a field called token. Copy this value.
  5. Discord Group Chat ID: The ID of the group chat in Discord where you want the bot to send messages.

  • Enable developer mode by navigating to Discord's Settings > Advanced.
  • In the Discord app, right click on the desired channel or group chat and click Copy ID
  1. Sound File: Optionally include a sound file to play as a notification.


  1. Create a .env file in the same directory as the Python script. This file will store your API keys and tokens.
  • To create the file right-click in the file explorer and create a new text file, rename it to .env. Ensure that the file has no file extension (e.g. .env.txt).
  1. Populate the .env file with the following content, replacing the placeholders with your actual values:

    • Replace your_gemini_api_key, your_discord_user_token, your_discord_channel_id, and C:\path\to\your\sound.mp3 with your actual API key, token, channel ID, and sound file path.
    • Ensure that there are no extra white spaces after each line in the file.
  2. Run the Script:

    python your_script_name.py

How It Works

  1. The script loads configuration settings from the .env file.
  2. It initializes the Gemini API and the Discord client using the provided keys.
  3. It runs in a loop:
    • Takes a screenshot of the screen.
    • Sends the screenshot to the Gemini AI model for analysis.
    • Receives a response from Gemini AI.
    • Sends the humorous error-like response to the specified Discord group chat.
    • Plays a notification sound.
    • Displays a pop-up window showing the response.
    • Waits for 60 seconds before repeating the process.
  4. If any errors occur, details of the error are printed to the terminal.

Error Handling

  • The script includes error handling for:
    • Invalid environment variables.
    • Gemini API setup or request failures.
    • Discord login or message sending failures.
    • Screenshot errors.
    • VLC playback errors.

Additional Notes

  • The script uses threads for the tkinter window, allowing the program to continue running while the window is open.
  • Be cautious about rate-limiting with Discord. The current interval is 60 seconds. Do not reduce the interval too much.
  • The script is designed for personal learning purposes.
  • Ensure the user running the script has the necessary OS permissions for screenshotting and playing sounds.
  • The current implementation utilizes a python-vlc for sound playback, if this causes problems consider using playsound as an alternative.
  • The script generates "humorous javascript error codes" as requested in the system prompt, you may change this as you wish in the script.


  • The use of self-bots violates Discord's Terms of Service, and your account may be banned.
  • Use this code responsibly and at your own risk.

This README.md provides a comprehensive overview of your code's functionality, setup, and potential risks. Please adapt it to reflect any future changes in your code.