
An assignment for a SE course. Silly, silly project. Not useful at all...

Primary LanguageMakefile

Aloha Ukulele Factory

Author: Bobby Craig
Date Last Updated: 19 Apr 2017  
Course: Software Engineering 
Professor: Peter Baumann

About the Aloha Ukulele Factory

It's a Ukulele Factory. If you didn't get that from the name, you've got bigger problems.

Getting Started

How to run

To run this program, cd into the files directory in rcraig/ukulele-factory/ (absolute: /home/rcraig/ukulele-factory/files) and run the following command: qmake -makefile /home/rcraig/ukulele-factory/files. From there, run the make command and type ./ukulele-factory to run the program. This should run the make.cpp file which has several tests in it. If all assertions pass, you should see a message written to the terminal that says All Tests Passed. Success!

System Requirements

This project has only been tested with the Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 compiler and the ClamV test server compiler (g++ (SUSE Linux) 4.8.5) and is not guaranteed to work with any other compilers. Please only run it in these environments. It may require small tweaks to run with other versions of compilers.


If you have any questions about this project, feel free to contact Robert "Bobby" Craig at rcraig@jacobs-university.de.