A Minecraft shaderspack. Offers high performance with high quality at the same time.
- 0
Weird black-hole head
#21 opened by usernames122 - 0
Weird shadows
#20 opened by fabbzapp - 0
Shaders don't work on 1.19+
#19 opened by LagoOriginal - 1
Wisdom Shaders - Anything enchanted is white
#18 opened by TheCaptainTurtle - 1
#17 opened by rtxyd - 5
Tile Entities Invisible in 1.13.2
#13 opened by Ninja-Hinja42 - 6
- 2
Bloom & Other Lightning Errors
#9 opened by TechieAndroid - 1
when will release be release
#16 opened by ifkn271 - 1
Buildcraft pipes are colorless
#15 opened by Idolin - 6
Block based light sources non-functional
#14 opened by ChiaTKM - 3
Weird Black things when looking down. Help.
#10 opened by RaynFox - 2
一个OpenGL Error
#12 opened by le0-VV - 1
- 2
Water Overlay Effect When Raining
#8 opened by TechieAndroid - 6
[Shaders] Error: Invalid program
#7 opened by TechieAndroid - 3
- 2
You can not see the fireworks effect
#6 opened by DoreK333 - 7
- 9
#2 opened by mgdgfbhevdyeh