
docker files to build orcid web app

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

Deploy ORCID with DOCKER

This project uses docker containers to startup JavaEE PostgreSQL web application. The local environment will be available at localhost

Install docker community edition

Follow install instructions at https://docs.docker.com/install/

Install docker compose

Follow instructions for installing docker-compose on macOS, Windows, and 64-bit Linux

Environment variables

Env Var Description
ORCID_SOURCE /Users/jperez/git/ORCID_Source

Rename test.env as .env update as needed

Startup orcid-web with docker compose

Download this container wrapper

git clone https://github.com/ORCID/orcid-docker.git
cd orcid-docker

Prepare orcid-web java web application

Build and pack the orcid web war file, helper script and config at

cp ./tomcat/test.env .env
sh ./tomcat/package_orcid_web.sh master


To start all services from the root folder do

docker-compose up -d

We can found containers IP from container name with docker inspect --format '{{ (index .NetworkSettings.Networks "orcid_default").IPAddress }}' orcid_web_1

and.. That's it.

Test web app

Test the service with

curl -I -k -L https://localhost:8443/orcid-web/signin

or simply browse to https://localhost:8443/orcid-web

Shutdown your local environment

Later we can stop or destroy the environment with

docker-compose stop
docker-compose down

Manual build of containers (Optional)

Setup ORCID database

Reusing postgres library, create local volume to persist orcid data

docker volume create orcid_data
docker run --name orcid-postgres \
-v $(pwd)/tomcat/initdb:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \
-v orcid_data:/var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main \
-d postgres:9.5

Every sql files at /tomcat/initdb/* is going to be run as psql -U postgres -f /opt/initdb/orcid_dump.sql, Download orcid_dump.sql from any sandbox machine

Create orcid-web source ready container

Build the base java web container

cd ~/git/ORCID-Source
mvn clean install package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dlicense.skip=true

Ready to build our custom orcid-web container

cd ~/git/orcid-docker/tomcat
docker build --rm -t orcid/web -f ./tomcat/Dockerfile .

If new container is available at docker images then we're ready to run orcid-web

docker run --name orcid-web \
--rm -v `pwd`/orcid:/orcid \
--link orcid-postgres:dev-db.orcid.org \
-d orcid/web

watch the app startup with

docker logs -f orcid-web