High-level functions to access Postgres Capabilities.
- Simple to use funcation acess to postgres db
- Easy & preformant key-value API. Requires PG9.5 to for indexed JSONB type and native upserts.
pip install pgrap
from pgrap import pgrap, pgkv
# connect via psycopg2
conn = pgrap.psycopg2.connect(...)
conn.autocommit = True
# insert data into key-value table. Optionally create / overwrite table.
pgkv.insert_kv(conn, k_data, v_data, table='kv', schema='public', dtype='auto', setup='create')
# find record with key
pgkv.find_key(conn, table, key, select='*', schema='public')
# search JSONB value
pgkv.search_value(conn, search, table, schema='public', select='*', limit=False)
# full-text search text value
pgkv.fulltext_search_value(conn, search, table, schema='public', select='*', limit=False)
# insert multiple key-value records (loop)
pgkv.insert_multi_kv(conn, data, k_name, table='kv', schema='public', dtype='jsonb', setup='create')
# create new key-value table
pgkv.create_kv(conn, table='kv', schema='public', dtype='jsonb')