
Insurgency co-op checkpoint map

Map: upull_coop

#####Insurgency co-op checkpoint map


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alt text Source: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7377176,-104.7727995,184m/data=!3m1!1e3


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Create bot navigation file:

Type nav_edit 1 in console

Look down at the ground in front of you and type nav_mark_walkable

Type nav_generate in console

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Current map preview:

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Finding errors in console:

Failed finding guard spots for CP 0, Team 3

Failed finding guard spots for CP 1, Team 3

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Move "info_player_start" outside of an spawnzone and then run "nav_generate" again

Make sure all ins_spawnpoints are linked to a spawn zone

In the object properties window under the "flags" tag, check the box "controlled by a spawn zone"

Also look into using some blockzones to control the flow of the game

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Checking in game texture and placement errors:

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Current map preview:

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