
Building Debian packages

Primary LanguageShell



Helper tool for building Debian packages
It is a wrong way to building Debian packages, but I'm so used to it

How to use

  1. The best way to build your package's is in a clean chroot environment
  • Install the required packages

    apt-get install coreutils bash debootstrap
  • Setting up a chroot (example for debian jessie)

    CHROOTDIR="/storage/jessie-chroot_amd64"; LC="ru_RU.UTF-8";
    mkdir -p "${CHROOTDIR}" && \
    debootstrap --arch=amd64 --variant=minbase --include=locales,apt-utils,dialog,findutils,file,sed,gawk,bzip2 \
      jessie "${CHROOTDIR}" http://mirror.mephi.ru/debian/ && \
    echo "LANG="${LC}"" > "${CHROOTDIR}"/etc/default/locale && \
    sed -i 's/# "${LC}" UTF-8/"${LC}" UTF-8/' "${CHROOTDIR}"/etc/locale.gen && \
    chroot "${CHROOTDIR}" /bin/bash -c "su - -c \"locale-gen\"";
  1. Creating a new directory for the package

    mkdir "${CHROOTDIR}"/package_name;
  2. This helper script should be is in the same directory as the config files

    cp build_package.sh "${CHROOTDIR}"/package_name;
  3. Create package configurations files

    cd "${CHROOTDIR}"/package_name;

    Run, and then follow the instructions

    ./build_package.sh -a
  4. Edit configuration files using text editor

  5. The main configuration file is build_config.sh Configuration file options
    APP_PCKG_MAINTAINER The package's maintainer name and email address
    APP_DEB_PCKG list of packages to build
    APP_VERSION The version number of a package
    APP_HOMEPAGE The URL of the web site for this package

  6. Package configuration files is build_config_packagename.sh Configuration file options
    APP_DEB_PCKG_packagename_ARCH Architecture APP_DEB_PCKG_packagename_DEPENDS

  7. Enter the chroot environment to begin building

    chroot "${CHROOTDIR}";
  8. Building Debian package

    cd package_name