
TechGgig.app is a marketplace for tech workers to pick up side gigs


TechGigs.app is a marketplace for tech workers to pick up side gigs

User Journey

  title post the gig
    post wizard: 1 : poster
    pay for posting: 1: poster
    search for gigs: 1 : freelancer
  title contract the gig
    message poster: 1 : freelancer
    negotiate details: 1 : poster, freelancer
    fill in contract: 1 : poster
    sign the contract: 1 : poster, freelancer
  title work the gig
    do the work: 0 : freelancer
    submit change order: 1 : freelancer
    sign off on change order: 1 : poster

Data Diagram


User <|-- Profile
User <--> Messages

User --> Employeer
Employeer --> Listing
Employeer -- Credit
Credit --> Listing
Contract --> Listing
Contract --> Employeer
Contract --> User
Contract --> ContractDetails
Contract --> ChangeOrders

Listing --> ProjectType
Listing --> Technology
ProjectType --> ProjectSuperType
Technology --> TechnologyClass

User : int id
User : string email
User : string password

Employeer: int id
Employeer: string name
Employeer: array int user_ids
Employeer: text about_us
Employeer: string logo_url

Profile : int user_id
Profile : text biography
Profile : text location

Messages : int id
Messages : int to_id
Messages : int from_id
Messages : text body
Messages : bool read

Credit : int user_id
Credit : int listing_id

Listing : int id
Listing : string title
Listing : test description
Listing : bool active
Listing : array technologies
Listing : int project_type

Contract : int id
Contract : int listing_id
Contract : int worker_user_id
Contract : datetime worker_signed_at
Contract : int employer_user_id
Contract : datetime employer_signed_at

ContractDetails : int id
ContractDetails : datetime created_at
ContractDetails : text description_of_services
ContractDetails : text deliverables
ContractDetails : text project_schedule
ContractDetails : text pricing_and_rates
ContractDetails : text payment_terms_and_schedule
ContractDetails : text terms_and_conditions
ContractDetails : datetime locked_at
ContractDetails : bool locked

ChangeOrders : int id
ChangeOrders : text changes
ChangeOrders : datetime accepted_at
ChangeOrders : int accepted_by_id
ChangeOrders : int created_by_id

ProjectType : int id
ProjectType : string super_type_id
ProjectType : string type
ProjectType : string platform
ProjectType : name()

ProjectSuperType : int id
ProjectSuperType : string name

Technology : int id
Technology : string name
Technology : string icon
Technology : int technology_class_id

TechnologyClass : int id
TechnologyClass : type



super type type platform
software desktop cross platform
software desktop macOS
software desktop windows
software desktop linux
software mobile iOS
software mobile android
software mobile cross platform
software web full stack
software web backend
software web frontend
design app
design branding
design logo
design print
design website
project management
DevOps CI/CD
Hardware iot
Quality Assurance


Programming Language
Cloud Provider

Programming Languages

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • ruby
  • Go
  • python
  • rust
  • C
  • C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Scala
  • Visual Basic
  • SQL
  • php
  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  • R
  • Perl
  • Julia
  • Lua
  • Scala
  • Kotlin
  • elixir
  • erlang
  • crystal


Data Store

  • postgresql
  • MySql
  • MarisDB
  • oracle
  • MS sql server
  • MongoDB
  • IBM DB2
  • Redis
  • Elasticsearch
  • Cassandra
  • OrientDB
  • SQLite
  • DynamoDB
  • Neo4j
  • Firebase
  • FileMaker
  • Microsoft Access

Cloud Providers

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Digital Ocean
  • Heroku


  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Github Actions
  • Gitlab DevOps