
anycopy frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is code for hosting http://app.anycopy.io/

Now it is pointing to the parse server that I setup manually on digital ocean.

Start dev version

1, git clone git@github.com:bobintornado/anycopy-ui-demo.git
2, cd anycopy-ui-demo
3, bower install 	# this is to install bower component
4, npm install 	# this is to install common js libs

5, Solved bug


by this patch 


in ../anycopy-frontend/node_modules/parse-react/lib/browser/ParsePatches.js

6,replace parse server from https://api.parse.com/1 to http://prod.aikaobei.com:1337/parse in bundle.js

7, gulp 			# default task is to serve development copy

Basic Info

A Redux + React front-end app.

Back-end on Parse.


Gulp + Webpack

Build/Deploy Script

change some stuff and make sure it works, then run

gulp build

After build commit changes to master branch

git add -A
git commit -m "update"
git push

Lastly push dist folder to gh-pages branch to link up production

git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages

Optional Deploy Optimization

This is optional and will not affect production functionality


<script type=text/javascript src=http://localhost:8080/dist/bundle.js charset=utf-8></script>

from dist/index.html after build (DON'T TOUCH app/index.html)

Issue with git subtree

when rejected, use

git push origin `git subtree split --prefix dist master`:gh-pages --force

to force update, due to git is not using fast forward on subtree command by default