
Simple processor in Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Sprockell is a Simple Processor in Haskell. It was originally written by Jan Kuper at the University of Twente. It has later been extended to allow multiple Sprockells to be run at once, communicating via shared memory.


  • Simple arithmetic
  • Branches / jumps
  • Stack
  • Local memory
  • Shared memory
  • IO system for numbers and string
  • customizable debugger


The instructions are documented in HardwareTypes.hs.


There are a number of demo programs showing various features.

  • DemoFib.hs shows the IO system for numeric value
  • DemoCharIO.hs shows the IO system for characters and strings. It also demonstrates the use of the debugger.
  • DemoMultipleSprockells.hs shows communication between multiple Sprockell cores using the shared memory

Using sprockell

You can use this Sprockell package in several ways:

  1. Run a haskell file that uses sprockell directly
  2. Compile a haskell file that uses sprockell, and then run the compiled Sprockell program
  3. Add a binary to the Sprockell package, and instruct Stack to run that
  4. Create a separate Stack project for your Haskell file, which depends on this Sprockell package

You can also find some practical usage of this in the continuous integration.

Before running the below commands, make sure the stack executable is in your path, or use an absolute path instead.


  • Do not put Sprockell on file synchronization services (onedrive, dropbox, owncloud, etc). Technically we can't stop you, but don't get angry at TAs for not helping you if you do. Students have had issues with this in the past.
  • Do not put stack projects on removable disks, flash drives, etc.
    • This was once raised here: commercialhaskell/stack#3893. Unfortunately there has not been follow-up since then, so putting stack on strange places is probably best avoided.

Run directly

# Ensure sprockell libs are built
$ stack build
$ stack runhaskell demos/DemoMandelbrot.hs

Compile a haskell file

# Ensure sprockell libs are built
$ stack build
$ stack ghc demos/DemoMandelbrot.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( demos/DemoMandelbrot.hs, demos/DemoMandelbrot.o )
Linking demos/DemoMandelbrot ...
$ ./demos/DemoMandelbrot

Add a binary

See the Stack documentation for instructions on how to add executables to projects. You can also generate an example/template project using Stack, and then see how it's done there.

Create a separate stack project

You could automatically generate a Stack project, containing your output Haskell/Sprockell file, which depends via a git url on this Sprockell package. We again refer you to the Stack documentation.