
Tool to check local directory against remote endpoint to see which files or folders exist

Primary LanguageGo


Check URL for files from given source folder. Like dirb or gobuster but we know what we are looking for.

findthese --src ../framework --url https://framework.xx/



git clone github.com/briiC/findthese
cp ./findthese/findthese /usr/local/bin/


# Example: Check endpoint for phpmyadmin files - which are accessible from internet
git clone https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
findthese --src ./phpmyadmin --url https://some-site.xx/pma/

NOTE: You can clone different version of framework if you know endpoint uses that version.

     --version  Displays the program version string.
  -h --help  Displays help with available flag, subcommand, and positional value parameters.
  -s --src  Source path of directory -- REQUIRED
  -u --url  URL endpoint to hit -- REQUIRED
  -m --method  HTTP Method to use (default: HEAD)
  -o --output  Output report to file (default: ./findthese.report)
     --depth  How deep go in folders. '0' no limit  (default: 0)
  -z --delay  Delay every request for N milliseconds (default: 150)
     --timeout  Timeout (seconds) to wait for response  (default: 10)
     --mutations  Mutations of checked file (default: ~,.swp,.swo,.tmp,.dmp,.bkp,.backup,.bak,.zip,.tar,.old,_*,~*)
     --skip  Skip files with these extensions (default: jquery,css,img,images,i18n,po)
     --skip-ext  Skip files with these extensions (default: .png,.jpeg,jpg,Gif,.CSS,.less,.sass)
     --skip-code  Skip responses with this response HTTP code (default: 404)
     --skip-size  Skip responses with this body size
     --skip-content  Skip responses if given content found
  -D --dir-only  Scan directories only
     --user-agent  User-Agent used (default: random)
  -C --cookie  Cookie string sent with requests
  -H --headers  Custom Headers sent with requests


  • tests
  • multi threads
  • On key p pause scan. Run same command with additional params (fine-tuning) and scan will resume from previous with new settings. (Detects same src and url)
  • Mark placeholder for file to put in URL: https://example.com?f=^FILE^&auth=john
  • [--mode=info|download] (default: info)
  • file download path where to download all files
  • Use tor by default (golang sockets transport)

