
A little site that shows how many presidential documents have been signed per president per month, and well as showing recent documents so you can keep up with what MaybeYourPresident is doing. Also can archive the documents locally if you fear the Federal Register getting gagged next.

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Executive Order Archive

A little site to display how many orders per day Trump is signing without any checks and balances.

Public Accessible Version: http://pda.opsat.net

None of the data sources I have found so far actually update daily, but it will be good enough.

Local Dev Setup

Install dependencies.

This is handled by Composer. Here is an example if your composer in installed system wide as it should be.

> composer install

Configure Database Connection

Create an empty database in MySQL with access.

Create file conf/database.conf.php and copy paste the following example into it, changing the Hostname, Username, Password, and Database, to values relevant to your system. Leave everything else about this alone.


	'Default' => [
		'Type'     => 'mysql',
		'Hostname' => 'server',
		'Username' => 'user',
		'Password' => 'pass',
		'Database' => 'dbname'

Set Up Database

This is handled by Phinx, which was installed by Composer earlier. Run the migrate command and all the tables will be setup in the database automagically.

> vendor\bin\phinx migrate

Importing Data

You're gonna want data, too. This will hit the public government server to fetch all of the available data it can that is relevant to this application. It will also cache a copy of the data as they gave it to us in the cache directory. PDF versions will also end up in the archive directory.

To get daily updates, you would want to set this up to cron.

> php bin\fetch-federal-register.php run

To get the historical data (which you will want, for the site to be useful) you will have to import them president by president. It takes about 2hr per, as I have it throttled so that the feds don't think you are cybering them.

> php bin\fetch-federal-register.php president clinton
> php bin\fetch-federal-register.php president bushjr
> php bin\fetch-federal-register.php president obama
> php bin\fetch-federal-register.php president trump

These are the presidents the Federal Register has exposed as something queryable with their API, and it was more than enough to do its job for anyone with modern memories.

Test HTTP Server

If you are not not running this on a real server you can pop the PHP test server up locally to test the app.

> php -S localhost:80 -t www

Then you just have to hit up http://localhost to test.