Task Lost

Enclosed you'll find a server and a website that you'll be fixing up and improving over the course of this session.

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Work in a branch called yourname (your actual name, not the word "yourname", please!)
  3. Submit a PR back to this repository

We will pick a random PR at the end of each stage to do a review on.


1: Fix the app!

Both the server and the client are broken. Badly.

Your task is to find and fix all of the bugs and produce a working application.

How will you test these independently?

2: Get data from the server!

You may have noticed that the client's app.js has all the data ... let's get it talking to the server and get data from there instead.

3: SQLize it ...

Boring to have the server only have data in memory. Connect that to the SQL database provided a change the /todo route to pull from the DB instead