This container provides a LXDE desktop environment available via noVNC, the HTML5 VNC frontend, through port 6080.
The image is based on baseimage-docker, so it uses runit to run the vnc services and tries to properly handle log files and the like.
The base VNC server it uses is vnc4server from Ubuntu, which does support xrandr. So, with this image, you can resize your desktop!
From Docker registry:
docker pull rjrivero/lxde-vnc
Or build yourself:
git clone
docker build --rm -t rjrivero/lxde-vnc docker-lxde-vnc
Running the image:
docker run --rm -p 6080:6080 -v </path/to/your/Documents/folder>:/home/vnc/Documents rjrivero/lxde-vnc
Use in your Dockerfile:
FROM rjrivero/lxde-vnc:<tag>
At startup, the server tries to read an VNC password from the file /home/vnc/Documents/vncpasswd.
- If the file exists, its contents are used as the VNC password.
- Otherwise, a random password is generated and dumped to stdout. You can see the generated password in the docker log.
VNC passwords must be between 6 and 8 characters long. Shorter or longer passwords will fail.
The session is run as an user named vnc (UID 1000) in groups vnc (GID 1000) and sudo. UID and GID 1000 were chosen because they are the IDs that the first regular user in an Ubuntu installation gets.
The vnc user is able to run passwordless sudo.
You can mount a data volume under /home/vnc/Documents. The init scripts change ownership of anything in that path to user vnc.
The container exposes HTTP port 6080, which belongs to the noVNC portal. It is plain HTTP, this container does not implement HTTPS. However, it works fine behind a reverse proxy, so you can use a different container for that purpose.
VNC4server was the chosen VNC server because it is readily available in Ubuntu, and it supports xrandr. You can see the available display sizes running in a terminal inside the desktop the following command:
You can set your preferred resolution running:
xrandr -s <resolution>
If none of the preconfigured resolution matches your preferences, you can always add the resolutions you need using an environment variable named GEOMETRY. Just populate that variable with a colon-separated list of resolutions:
docker run --rm -e GEOMETRY=1440x900:1200x600:640x480 -p 6080:6080 rjrivero/lxde-vnc