
Convert quiver notes for hexo and sync them

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quihex npm version

Quiver notes => quihex sync => Hexo posts

  1. Quihex converts Quiver notes written by markdown to Hexo blog posts
  2. And sync these converted notes to blog posts files


  • I'd like to write blog texts at Quiver and deploy them easily.


Awesome app and framework :)

  • Quiver
    • Notebook for programmers
    • We are able to write notes with markdown
  • Hexo
    • Blog framework for markdown


# Install
$ npm install -g quihex

# Setup
$ quihex init

# Sync(Quiver notes => Hexo posts)
$ quihex sync

# Hexo deploy
$ cd ~/hexo-root
$ hexo deploy

# Fetch posts at blog server
$ ssh myblog.com
[you@myblog]$ cd ~/blog
[you@myblog]$ git fetch && git merge origin/master --ff


# Setting tags for not sync with quiver notes
#  - quihex dose not sync the note if you set the tag to your notes
$ vim ~/.quihexrc
# ex)
# ~~~
"tagsForNotSync": [
  "newtag" <= Insert
# ~~~

# Uninstall
#  - delete module and config file
$ npm uninstall -g quihex
$ rm ~/.quihexrc


  • Setting tags for not sync on cli
  • Track changed blog title
    • Now, quihex deals with another posts.
  • Handling image files
