๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi there, I'm Feng Kaiyu.

loveress01@outlook.com https://blog.fkynjyq.com @fkynjyq

I am a fullstack developer. As a graduate student, my research sits at the intersection between the theory and practice of blockchain technology as well as consensus algorithm.

I'm also a lover of LaTeX and Linux.

  • ๐Ÿ”ญ Looking for an Internship in distributed systems.
  • ๐Ÿ”ฌ Iโ€™m currently a graduate student working on blockchain consensus algorithm development.
  • ๐ŸŒฑ Iโ€™m currently learning everything.
  • ๐Ÿค Iโ€™m looking to collaborate with other creators.
  • ๐Ÿฅ… 2023 Goals: Start an internship in distributed systems.
  • ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Factold: I have recently been practicing weightlifting (clean 60 kg now).

๐Ÿ”ง Technical Stack (Still Expanding)

As a blockchain engineer:

RUST Substrate Solidity Golang Web3.js

As a Linux user:

Arch Linux Gnome Alacritty Shell Script

As a fullstack developer:

RUST Golang Django VueJS React Next.js Vuetify Tailwind CSS

As a operation engineer:

Kubernetes Docker

Other tools preferences:

Neovim VS Code Figma Roam Research LaTeX Git

Education and Work experience

  • Education Summary
    • Master of Science in Cyberspace Science and Technology | Beijing Institute of Technology (2021-present), specializing in consensus algorithms.
    • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | Beijing Institute of Technology (2017-2021)
  • Internship
    • Backend Development Intern | Fanqie Novel, ByteDance (2020/10 - 2021/3).
      • Technologies used: Golang, Kafka, and FaaS.
      • Responsibilities: Designing technical systems, completing development, testing, and deploying the systems.
      • Accomplishments:
        • Deployed in-site message system with adept design and testing, as Software Engineer with experience in Kafka and FaaS.
        • Participated in the analysis of requirements for the author's backend and user's backend, and the design of the system technical solution. Completed the development of requirements, gray-scale testing, online and monitoring.

๐Ÿง  Weekly development breakdown

Rust           13 hrs 50 mins  โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘   59.83 %
XML            3 hrs 3 mins    โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–’โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘   13.20 %
TeX            1 hr 45 mins    โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘   07.61 %
YAML           58 mins         โ–ˆโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘   04.23 %
Markdown       52 mins         โ–ˆโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘   03.76 %
Go             39 mins         โ–“โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘   02.85 %

โœ๐Ÿป Blog posts

โšก Github Activity & Stats

  1. ๐ŸŽ‰ Merged PR #6 in BITNP/footlights
  2. ๐Ÿ’ช Opened PR #6 in BITNP/footlights
  3. ๐Ÿ—ฃ Commented on #63 in Platane/snk
  4. ๐Ÿ—ฃ Commented on #63 in Platane/snk
  5. ๐Ÿ—ฃ Commented on #63 in Platane/snk

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