
This repository host a full blown Leave-Management-System running on Spring framework, using the spring MVC pattern, myBatis as the ORM, Mysql database, Jsp for rendering and Jasper-reports for extracting and downloading pdf reports.

Primary LanguageJava


This is a web App to automate Leave managment processes for a corporate world setup. Gathered user requirements from members of staff at Kenya Revenue Authority and converted those into a full blown Spring application.

Technology Stack 🛠

| SpringMVC | JSP | MyBatis | MySQL | JasperReports


  1. Java - 1.8 +

  2. Maven

  3. Mysql

  4. Tomcat server 7.0 +

Steps to Setup

1. Clone the application

git clone https://github.com/bobmwangih/leave-management-system.git

2. Create Mysql database

create database

3.Initialize the following tables with columns to march the attributes in their respective models tables:

  • employee

  • leave

  • review

  • approver

  • open src/main/java/myBatisResources/myBatisConfig.xml and edit the details to march those you've used to when creating your database

5. Build and run the app on a tomcat server
