
Primary LanguageTypeScript


EventsChain is dapp dealing with event tickets management. User can create an event or buy tickets for some other event. Ticket owner can easily transfer tickets to another user.

The Project structure

Root folder - Node js backend application, provides database access and server the client application Client - React fronted application Solidity - Smart contracts, tests and deployment script

How to run

Checkout the repository first.

Deploy contract

From command prompt navigate to Solidity subfolder and run the following command

npm install

In scripts sub folder create secrets.js file with the following content

const ALCHEMY_API_KEY = "";

module.exports = {

or use scripts/_secrets.js as template.

Make sure you entered values for ALCHEMY_API_KEY and ROPSTEN_PRIVATE_KEY constants with your own Alchemy API key and Ropsten private key.

From command prompt run the following commands:

npm run compile
npm run deploy 

You should got output like

Deploying contracts with the account: 0xF77...
Account balance: 7...
Token address: 0x038...

Copy Token address and paste it to value of contractAddress variable in client\src\event-factory-contract.ts

const contractAddress = '0x038...';

Deploy backend and fronted applications

From command prompt navigate to the project root folder and run the following commands

npm install
npm run build
npm start

Open your favorite web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000

Enjoy the application.