
Simple implementation of Publisher/Subscriber pattern in typescript

MIT LicenseMIT

TypeScript implementation of publisher-subscriber pattern


npm install typescript-pubsub


git clone https://github.com/vbrdnk/typescirpt-pubSub.git


import { PubSub } from 'your_relative_path_to_package';

Use available static methods for subscribing, unsubscribing and emitting events from PubSub class


List of all available methods:

  • public static subscribe(eventName: string, callbackFunc: Function): void

Adds eventName: Function[] property to static events object and pushes callbackFunc to this array.

  • public static unsubcribe(eventName: string, callbackFunc: Function): void

Checks for eventName property in static events and if exits checks for all functions listed in this property. If callback function exists in an array, removes it, so it won't be execuded

  • public static emit(eventName: string, data: any): void

Checks for eventName property in static events and executes all functions inside eventName property with given data

Other methods and properties:

  • private static events: {}

Holds all events that are added with PubSub.subscribe(eventName: string, callbackFunc: Function): void method as well as all functions that should be executed when some data is emitted with specific event