
REST API for GoJohnny project

Primary LanguageJava

How To Setup Local Dev Environment

For local development you need:

Run backend project: java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=dev application.jar

Run frontend project: npm run start

Useful links:


If you want to run this application and connect it to the local database, you need to change configuration in the application.yml file.

  • change active profile to dev. See the following code snippet
    active: 'dev'
  • check database properties for dev profile
  profiles: 'dev'
    url: 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/gojohnny_db'
    username: 'postgres'
    password: 'postgres'
  • don't commit any local changes from application.yml

  • if you need to run application locally without changing application.yml, set active spring profile from "prod" to "dev" or "testing":

open Edit Configurations in your IDEA and in Environment Variables set 
name:"spring.profiles.active" and value: "dev" or "testing"
  • if you are running project for first time (using empty database), you should change flyway configuration:
    baseline-on-migrate: true
  • If you are creating flyway migration scripts, you should use next naming convention: V{MAJOR_VERSION}.{MINOR_VERSION}__Name_of_script.sql

    Pay attention to double underscores before name!

    For example, we are creating a migration script and current version is 1.8: V1.9__Add_photo_url_to_place.sql