
Auto enrol plugin for Moodle. Forked from markward/enrol_autoenrol and reorganised for direct cloning in Moodle tree

Primary LanguagePHP

AutoEnrol Enrolment Method

AutoEnrol adds functionality to automatically enrol users onto a course, either as they log in to your Moodle site or as they access a course. This plugin was at first intended for use on courses which you want all users to be able to access but can also be configured for more advanced purposes as reserved access courses. Using the new user filtering you can think at Autoenrol as a Swiss Army knife for Moodle enrolments.

When added to a course this enrolment plugin can enrol users onto a course automatically, either as they log into your Moodle site or as they click on the course. It was originally intended for use on site-wide courses such as "Moodle Help" or "Learner Voice".

In addition the plugin has advanced functionality to support automatically grouping and filtering users based upon their attributes. Depending on how your user accounts are set up this may help you to give access to certain user groups.

Configuration of the plugin is managed by two capabilities which allow administrators to easily control who has access to the plugin.

The AutoEnrol filter use moodle standard availability interface so it adds great flexibility in user filtering. The moodle profile availability core plugin unfortunately does not include language and authentication method. If you need them, you can install additional availability plugins like Restriction by language and Restriction by authentication.


  1. Copy the plugin directory "autoenrol" into moodle\enrol.
  2. Check admin notifications to install.
  3. Visit the "Site Administration > Plugins > Enrolments" page.
  4. Click the eye symbol next to "Auto Enrol" to enable the plugin.

How to use AutoEnrol

Check Moodle documentation: https://docs.moodle.org/en/Enrolment_methods#Managing_enrolment_methods.


The module is being maintained by Roberto Pinna with Angelo Calò (testing).

The original module was developed by Mark Ward and it can be found on his GitHub.

Thanks to

With thanks to various friends for contributing, especially Matthew Cannings.

Thanks also to users who have taken the time to share feedback and improve the module.

Technical Support

Issue tracker can be found on GitHub. Please try to give as much detail about your problem as possible and I'll do what I can to help.


Released Under the GNU General Public Licence http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html