
Internet Radio for Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguagePython

Raspberry Pi Internet Radio 
Author : Bob Rathbone
Site   : http://www.bobrathbone.com
Email  : bob@bobrathbone.com

This program uses  Music Player Daemon 'mpd', its client 'mpc' and the python3-mpd library
See http://www.musicpd.org/
Use "sudo apt-get install mpd mpc python3-mpd" to install the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
This software uses the python3-mpd library. See https://packages.debian.org/sid/python3-mpd

Version 7.8 release notes
Release 1 August 2024 - Build 4 

1) Grove v5 RGB I2C LCD added (lcd_i2c_jhd1313_sgm31323.py) integrated into configurator
2) Amend display_class to use colour definitions in /etc/radiod.conf for jhd1313_sgm31323 LCD
3) RGB I2C Rotary encoders now use the interrupt pin on the encoders themselves 
4) New parameter news_color added for RSS menu display (News feeds etc)
5) New weather2.py program added which uses a secondary display instead of the radio display 

Version 7.7 release notes
Release 13 July 2024 - Build 16 

1) Support for Raspberry Pi model 5 (RPi/GPIO.py GPIO calls conversion to LGPIO calls)
2) GPIO interface to LGPIO libraries added in sub-directory RPi/
3) Added Raspberry Pi Model selectiom to Configure Radio script to enable/disable GPIO converter 
4) Playlist now sorted before use so that media tracks are stepped through alphabetically.
5) ssd1306_class.py Correct indent error and add instructions for Adafruit-ssd1306 module
6) Improved installation procedure for the Waveshare WM8960 DAC sound card
7) Correct problem of MPD being denied access to /home/pi/Music. ACL implemented.
8) Made IR event device name for gpio-ir configurable in /etc/radiod.conf (event_device)
9) Added support for RPi Audio output cards (RPi DigiAmp+, Rpi DacPro etc). 
10) Change to airplay_class.py to display meta information in Airplay module
11) Amend RPi/GPIO.py to correct GPIO initialisation error on latest version of Bookworm
12) Correct detection of IR event class /sys/class/rc/rc0....6 in the IR event daemon
13) Correct mute button not doing an MPD client PAUSE in volume_class.py
14) Corrected Alarm function not restoring volume setting. MPD client ping implemented
15) Implemented RPI_REVISION in GPIOconverter (RPi/GPIO.py)
16) Remove /usr/share/Music directory creation - Now uses /home/$USER/Music
17) Include Debian package definition files for the build.sh and build64.sh scripts
18) Remove smbus2 sub-directory - No longer required
19) Correct calling weather.py program example (Working on Bullseye only)
20) Rotary encoder step size now configurable in /etc/radiod.conf rotary_step_size=full/half
21) Correct threading error in Display class (display_class.py)
22) Ignore button UP events in the STANDARD and ALTERNATIVE rotary classes
23) Correct menu step through not working if alarm feature set 
24) Driver for the Grove v5 RGB I2C LCD added (lcd_i2c_jhd1313_sgm31323.py)
25) Removed change 8) above. IR event device name now dynamically determined by software

Version 7.6 release notes
28 November 2023 

1) New version for bookworm OS
2) Prevent gradio.py from crashing if missing background wallpaper
3) Remove all LIRC components and configuration. Only ir-keytable supported. 
4) Bookworm uses .config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart for starting Graphic radio
5) Add HiFiberry DAC 400 (berrydac400.dbto) to configure_audio.sh
6) display_config.sh now logs to /usr/share/radio/logs/config.log
6) piradio.postinst now logs playlist creation to /usr/share/radio/logs/playlists.log
7) Test routine in event_class.py now prints event number and name
8) New SH1106 SPI OLED driver added (Used by 1.3" OLED Display HAT for RPi)
9) Faulty logging corrected in the UDP server class (udp_server_class.py)
10) Correct un-encoded "NOTOK" message in udp_server_class.py
11) Added support for three auxilary switches
12) Prevent display from flashing during startup
13) Support for the WM8960 DAC
14) alsamixer settings restored on startup (volume_class.py)
15) Convert setup.sh for 64-bit configuration
16) Replace corrupt /etc/mpd.conf with /usr/share/radio/mpd.conf
17) Prevent LCD routines from being accessed if LCD not configured
18) Added Waveshare WM8960 DAC install script (install_wm8960.sh)
19) Restore alsa mixer settings (alsa-state/alsa-store not working in Bookworm)
20) display_config.sh displays X-Windows protocol (wayland or X11)
21) radiod build - New instruction to display build number. For example 7.6.9

Version 7.5 release notes
Release 7th July 2023 

1) Corrected Pimoroni Pirate Radio button settings
2) Corrected create_stations.py --delete_old not working 
3) Corrected corrupt /etc/mpd.conf.orig
4) Prevent i2s-mmap being configured twice in /boot/config.txt
5) Use language file for radiod and MPD versions text
6) Added additional RPi models to the display_model.py utility
7) Added timedatectl timesync-status
8) /etc/mpd.conf bind_to_address="" (Prevent binding to IPv6 ::1)
9) Support for bluetooth devices added to Bullseye (pulseaudio-module-bluetooth)
10) No longer need #<station name> at the end of the station URL in the stationlist file
11) Added code to display volume on pHat Beat (pivumeter_class.py)
12) Allow any user with sudo permissions to install the software
13) Use ir-keytable to set up IR Remote Control
14) Numeric keys on IR Remote Control can be used to select station or track
15) Old /var/log/radio.log removed . See /var/log/radiod/radio.log
16) configure_ir_remote.sh now logs to /usr/share/radio/logs/install_ir.log
17) New 64 bit version radiod_7.5_arm64.deb (Beta) 

Version 7.4 release notes
1) Runs on either Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye or Buster. 
2) Music Player Daemon (MPD) version 0.22.6 installed as default
3) The web interface uses php7.4 (Buster uses php7.3)
4) O!MPD uses version new 2.2 of the radiod web interface
5) Corrected new playlist load failure (playlist_class.py)
6) IR Remote control software (lirc) converted to Python3 on Bullseye
7) Remove unused HD44780/U labels in translation class
8) Correct error when loading new playlist
9) Correct incorrect mute display when restoring volume with an external mpd client
10) Display Wi-Fi power management mode in display_wifi.sh
11) Correct source display name for Spotify and Airplay  (remove underscores)
12) Raspotify is now only supported on Bullseye. Support for it has been  withdrawn on Buster. 
13) DRM VC4 V3D driver (dtoverlay vc4-kms-v3d) sound configuration supported 
14) CGI scripts for the Radio Web Interface converted to Python3
15) Support for PiFace CAD(2) hardware re-introduced
16) Re-configuration of MPD and ALSA to reduce popping sound when changing channels  
17) Link Quality added to display_wifi.sh script

Version 7.3 release notes 
18th November 2021


1) Add LUMA support for SSD1306, SSD1309, SSD1325, SSD1331, SH1106 and WS0010 OLEDs
2) Support added for creating a bootable USB 3.0 Hard Disk Drive
3) Add creation of playlist from Music directory on a USB Disk Drive.
4) Implement flipping screen vertically fo ST7789 OLED class (Pirate Audio)
5) Display equalizer.cmd configuration file in display_config.sh script
6) The equalizer.cmd file moved to /var/lib/radiod
7) Shutdown button added to gradio and vgradio (See display_shutdown_button in radiod.conf)
8) Force language translation off (override translate_lcd setting) for OLEDs
	- unless romanize=yes
9) Correct Adafruit Speaker Bonnet installation failure (Do not install pulseaudio)
10) Correct Mixer controls USB command in display_config.sh. Added display MPD playlists
11) If icecast2 installed it now uses systemd to start/stop it instead of System V initd
12) Icecast streaming can now be enabled and disabled in the full feature graphical version
13) Identify playlist type by contents rather than file name 
	(No need for '_' at beginning of file name). Existing playlists renamed during installation
14) Update playlist if changed by an external client such as OMP!D
15) Added driver for Grove JHD1313 RGB 2x16 LCD
16) New playlists_class.py added to allow update of MPD playlists from external MPD clients
17) Added update_stationlist.py script to re-create stationlist file from MPD playlists 
18) New /etc/crontab.daily/radiod script added to run update_stationlist.py and 
    create_stations.py daily if update_playlists=yes found in /etc/radiod.conf
19) New rotary_class_rgb.py added to support RGB Rotary encoders
20) New rotary_class_rgb_i2c.py added to support I2C RGB Rotary encoders
21) New utility rgb_set_i2c_address.py added for I2C RGB Rotary encoders
22) Button class and all rotary encoder classes now run in a thread
23) Shutdown command shutdown_parameter added (Default "sudo shutdown -h now")
24) Configuration display programs now display parameters as Yes/No instead of True/False
25) Added Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W with 1GHz 64-bit Arm Cortex-A53 quad core CPU
26) Correct display not unmuting when volume changed by external clients

Version 7.2 release notes 
26th July 2021
1) Add Compute Model and 8GB 4B to display_model.py
2) Correct report of X-Windows detected if Lite OS installed
3) Correct remote control configuration display error
4) Correct DAC overlay not being configured in /boot/config.txt if called from configure_radio.sh
5) Alternative rotary class, remove sudo requirement and edge detection set to BOTH
6) Comitup WiFi roaming dropped due to problems
7) New parameter rotary_gpio_pullup=up/off to disable internal pullups for KY-040 rotary encoders
8) Correct crash in the test routine of event_class.py
9) Support for Sitronix SSD1306 128x64 monochrome tft with I2C interface 
10) Virtual rewrite of configuration class to give consistant labels
11) New display_wifi.sh script to display details of current Wi-Fi connection
12) Added network information to display_config.sh and display_wifi.sh
13) Button and Rotary encoder interfaces now run in their own thread
14) Correct not playing MEDIA on start-up if no IP network available
15) Don't add comment to /boot/cmdline.txt as it is causing boot failure
16) Configure I2C using configuration script instead of raspi-config (takes two attempts)
17) Correct Spotify/Airplay not unmuting correctly (Only volume change would unmute)  
18) Improve Graphic screens scrolling in particular RSS display
19) Integrity check of /boot/config.txt added. Make sure it isn't null
20) Support for Waveshare 2.8 and 3.5-inch TFTs added

Version 7.1 release notes 
2nd April 2021
1) Use MPD socket listener (mpd.socket) to handle client requests
2) Correction to UDP client/server for Remote control software
3) remote_control.py amended to send valid KEYs to the radio daemon
4) Correction to select source in web interface
5) Correction to shoutcast playlist selection in web interface
6) Added internet_timeout setting for Internet check in /etc/radiod.conf
7) set_mixer_id.sh uses audio_out setting in radiod.conf to select correct audio card
8) Correct crash in full feature graphic radio when selecting playlists
9) Store volume in /var/lib/radiod/volume if changed by an external client
10) Set locale to LC_ALL=C in scripting relying upon English messages
11) New parameter audio_config_locked add to prevent dynamic update of audio configuration
12) New parameter --input_file=<station.urls> in create_stations.py program
13) get_shoutcast.py converted to Python 3
14) Correction to select source "Internal Server Error" in web interface

Version 7.0 release notes  (Compared to version 6.15)
28th January 2021
1) Major release - All Python code converted to Python 3
2) MPD interface now uses python3-mpd instead of python-mpd
3) Improved audio device section including PCM5102A devices
4) Improve reconnection to stream after Internet connection restored
5) Prevent duplicate log messages
6) Add wiring scheme display to display configuration script (display_config.sh)
7) Internet check added (Prevent skipping if Internet connection lost)
8) Improved error messages (Bad stations, time outs etc.)

Version 7.x

Vintage radio

Source available from GitHub
Version 7.x see:  https://github.com/bobrathbone/piradio6
Run ./setup.sh from the command line to create the radiod package

The licences for the source and documentation for this project are:
GNU General Public License. 		http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
GNU AFFERO General Public License.	http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
GNU Free Documentation License. 	http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html

Software is provided as is and absolutly no warranties are implied or given.
The authors shall not be liable for any loss or damage however caused.