Version 2.0 (Converted to Python 3)
This project has been designed to help students or hobbyists get started with driving stepper motors on the Raspberry PI. It covers two types of stepper motor namely unipolar and bipolar.
It includes code to either drive either • One or two x 5-Wire "28BYJ-48" stepper Motor (bipolar motor) with ULN2803A driver Or • A 12-volt #324 (Nema17) high torque stepper motor (unipolar motor) with H-Driver circuit
More details can be found at :
Software can be dowloaded and installed with the following:
Create a directory called /home/pi/stepper. Copy the pi_stepper_motor.tar.gz to the /home/pi/stepper directory or use wget to download it.
Un-tar the file with the following command:
tar -xvf pi_stepper_motor.tar.gz
This will unzip the files to the /home/pi/stepper directory.