
"version-docs" is a language-agnostic doc versioning system via a github action. It will store all of your versioned docs within a single git branch that can easily be deployed as static assets

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Do you have auto-generated docs that you would like to host? Are you annoyed by large PR's and commit diffs because your auto-generated docs are too big? "version-docs" will let you generate docs on CI rather than committing them while still being able to store them within your git repo.


https://github.com/bobrown101/version-docs-example-app https://bobrown101.github.io/version-docs-example-app/

How does it work

"version-docs" keeps all of your docs versioned by git commit hashes in a single branch allowing you to easily deploy them as static assets to a hosting provider. If you want an easy way to deploy your docs branch, github pages is by far the easiest way to go, just set 'doc-branch: gh-pages'. If for some reason you cannot use github pages, check out https://github.com/bobrown101/deploy-branch. It performs similarly to github pages, however it deploys to a third party hosting provider such as netlfiy.

If you make a commit on a branch named "feature1" with a commit hash of "1234", doc-location set to docs and doc-branch set to gh-pages, "version-docs" will add a commit on the git branch gh-pages with the contents:

            ...docs for "1234" located here
            ...docs for "1234" located here


  • doc-location represents the folder your auto-generated docs will be located at. For example if you ran typedoc --out docsFoldername on CI, your doc-location would be "docsFoldername"
  • doc-branch represents what git branch your docs will live at. Common doc branches are named gh-pages, docs or documentation
- name: Version docs
  uses: bobrown101/version-docs@v2.0.8
    github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    doc-location: docs
    doc-branch: docs