This set of scripts provides a method of generating a harvest plan given a set of individual tree locations and potential landing sites.

The only external requirement other than python is scipy. To install scipy, run pip install scipy

There are a few manual parameters which must be configured before running. These parameters will eventually be converted into command line arguments

All parameters are located within the file.

First are the csv file locations

tree_points_path = "[TREE POINTS CSV]"
road_points_path = "[LANDING POINTS CSV]"

The tree point csv file is expected to contain the following columns: x y elevation basin height

The landing point csv file is expected to contain the following columns: x y elevation basin

The order of these columns in the csv file is unimportant.

Next are the grid parameters

top_left = ([TOP LEFT X], [TOP LEFT Y])
cut_width, cut_height = ([GRID CELL WIDTH], [GRID CELL HEIGHT])

These define the offset and scale of the grid

Finally is the heuristic

heuristic_type = "[HEURISTIC TYPE]"

Currently two heuristics are supported, RecordToRecord and SimulatedAnnealing.

The first run will generate a list of feasible harvest units from the input tree point set, and output to a json file. This file will subsequently be used instead of the csv files. Solutions will be output to a folder with the heuristic name, with the filename containing the trial number and objective value

After configuration, to run use python